David Durant’s Autumn Season Highlights

We asked for Courtyard Associate Director David Durant’s Autumn season highlights. He takes us through the difficulties of adapting to the pandemic and his highlights; from vampires to puppets. Here’s what he had to say…

“It is really exciting to think that The Courtyard’s Autumn Season is almost upon us. There are plenty of productions some of which have been moved more than once, as we have all adapted, to the ever-changing pandemic landscape.

Hopefully, there won’t be too many interruptions with this season and you will be able to enjoy the many shows we have on offer. We have tried to ensure there is something for everyone. Although, on this occasion there are a few productions that really stand out. We hope that many of our audience members will go on a journey with them and enjoy the clever creative performances.

Birth by Theatre RE

Birth, image of a couple on a bed during the performanceThe first production we’re bringing to your attention is Birth, created and performed by Theatre RE. It is the story about three generations of women from the same family whose lives are part of an invisible web. The story traces their journey of self-discovery, acceptance and hope. The piece beautifully uses a giant cloth to create so much of the action. As such, cleverly allows the performers to disappear in and out of different time zones. It is a beautifully crafted and visually stunning piece and definitely not to be missed.


Nosferatu with Live Original Score by Chris Green

Nosferatu red image with black shadowAnother highlight in the autumn season is Nosferatu. Performed by Chris Green, with his original score accompanying the 1922 horror film. English Heritage commissioned Chris to create a score alongside the original film classic. The music is a haunting blend of electronic and acoustic instruments combining with FW Murnau’s iconic images to make a truly remarkable and memorable performance.



Pedlars Tales

Pedlars Tales two people with a big white bird puppetThe third piece in the season is Pedlars Tales. An intriguing, fun and interactive storyteller’s performance. Featuring puppets, music and a mysterious traveller. The storyteller takes you on a magic journey as they draw you into a fantastical world, bringing stories from the past and local events to life.​ This is an engaging performance for families so sit down, relax and enjoy all the stories performed together as ‘Silver Joan’s’ tales unfold.



This just gives you a flavour of some of the highlights from the autumn season and we all hope you will be able to come along and enjoy it later this year.”

See what’s on this Autumn at The Courtyard!