Early Years

Regular classes and sessions aimed at pre-school children and have a focus on activities that will aid your child’s development.

Alongside the regular classes, we have a series of weekly drop in sessions. The sessions are aimed at pre-school children and have a focus on activities that will aid your child’s development.

Current Early Years drop-in sessions are:

Boogie with Baby 

Boogie With Baby - three mums take part in an exercise class with their babies in a sling

Every Thursday 2pm – 3pm

£6.50 per adult

The Courtyard is excited to be hosting these sessions for parents/guardians. Boogie with Baby is an exciting gentle movement and dance class for mums and dads or carers with their babies and toddlers in soft structured slings and baby carriers or wraps.

A welcoming, joyful & inclusive baby class awaits. A chance to have fun and get active whilst dancing to awesome tunes and your little one gets lots of cuddly bonding time, feeling safe & happy.

Sessions run 2pm-3pm, with a relaxed atmosphere for you to come and go as you need.

Please come in suitable clothing that you can easily move around in, and with a sling that works for you and your baby.

Playing Together

The Courtyard Hereford - Creative Ageing

Tuesdays, 10.30am – 12pm

£6.50 per session

An interactive play session for older adults and pre-school children along with accompanying parents and carers. This lively creative session supports participants to communicate through play activities, including music, movement, sand, puppets and visual arts. Come along to experience the joy of playing together! The session starts with a cup of tea and chance to arrive gently before getting into full swing at 11am.

For more information or to book onto a Playing Together session, call Box Office on 01432 340555 or search ‘playing together’ on our website for the latest dates.

Dancing Tots

Dancing Tots

Fridays, 11.30am – 12.15pm 

£6.50 per session. CY Club members £4. Under 1’s go free.

A beginner experience for tots to learn basic dance techniques and build confidence. A fun session that introduces movement to parents and toddlers. This drop in session aims to aid your child’s development. Come along to these sessions and enjoy them together. For ages 2 – 4.

For more information or to book onto a Dancing Tots session, call Box Office on 01432 340555 or search ‘dancing tots’ on our website for the latest dates.

Courtyard Kids

A group of children miming playing different musical instruments

Saturdays, 9.30am – 9.45am

A fun Youth Theatre session for Reception – Year 2. Children will learn through play, perform throughout the year and participate in a wide range of art forms.

For more information or to book a place in Courtyard Kids contact takepart@courtyard.org.uk or call 01432 340555.

Twinkling Stars

A room with toddlers, babies and parents and guardians dancing

Saturdays, 10am – 10.45am 

£6.50 per session. Siblings £3.

In collaboration with Starlight, this brand new family fun dancing session incorporates Makaton sign, musical movement, sensory play and lots of fun!

For more information or to book onto a Twinkling Stars session, call Box Office on 01432 340555 or search ‘twinkling stars’ on our website for the latest dates.