Visual Arts

We have regular exhibitions in our Gallery but some artists like to utilise the whole building!

Cultivate@Courtyard Callout

Visual Arts is an integral part of The Courtyard’s work as Herefordshire’s Centre for the Arts. We have regular exhibitions in our Gallery but some artists like to utilise the whole building!

If you’re an artist or maker who would like to hold an exhibition at The Courtyard, please contact Associate Director David Durant:

Coming soon to Visual Arts at The Courtyard…

Cultivate 2025 – Call out

The Courtyard’s annual Cultivate@Courtyard exhibition is in the works.

Young artists between the ages of 16-25 are invited to submit a technically accomplished and resolved piece of work for assessment by 31 January 2025. 

The chosen shortlisted artists will be mentored by professional artist Dermot Clarke and will work towards producing an exhibition at The Courtyard and Old Mayor’s Parlour Gallery in the Summer of 2025. The artist who best meets the brief will be given a £1000 grant on the day of the exhibition.

Cultivate 2025 Project Pack

Visual Art Events

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