Youth Theatre smash target in fantastic fundraising effort!

Supporting our Give The Green Light Campaign

Over the past few months our very own Courtyard Youth Board have been holding fundraising events to raise money for the Youth Theatre to pay for a new LED light as part of the Courtyard’s Give The Green Light campaign.

And their efforts came to a head on Saturday July 13th as we had our massive Sponge-A-Thon and tombola!

A girl in a Youth Theatre tshirt throws a wet sponge at other young people who stand behind a cardboard cut out

The day started well enough, although a bit of drizzle as the gazebos were erected threatened to dampen our spirits. Who wants to get sponged in the rain? But with one of our Youth Theatre members DJing a crowd was soon drawn. As Youth Theatre members came for their sessions many were tempted to put their hands in the their pockets by the thought of soaking one of their Youth Theatre leaders or a Board Member. And some even took a sponging themselves, helping to raise even more money!

Meanwhile the tombola was drawing just as bigger crowd. With amazing prizes donated by our Youth Theatre, from cuddly Pikachu’s to bottles of wine, people were queuing up to win a prize. And it wasn’t long until our fundraising buckets were full to the brim with charitable donations!

Two young girls pose next to a cardboard cut out. One wears gogles.

This was then added to the total raised from our Fancy Dress Week in June. We were already well on our way to the target. And when combined with the money raised from the following day’s SPARK and IGNITE events the total game to a whopping… £860!

This absolutely SMASHED our target of £775 meaning that not only could we pay for a light but also for a seat plaque to commemorate the Youth Theatre and all their hard efforts.

A massive thank you to our incredible Youth Board and everyone who helped raise money by getting sponged! If you want to donate to the cause you can do so on The Courtyard enthuse page.