D/deaf Accessibility

Explore this page to find out more about D/deaf accessibility at The Courtyard

BSL logo Subtitled Event Logo

British Sign Language (BSL)

Selected theatre performances are BSL signed for D/deaf customers.

Some touring shows will have BSL integrated as well as closed captions.

Subtitled Screenings

Selected screenings are shown with subtitles where possible.

You can find a full list of upcoming BSL, closed captioned and subtitled live shows and cinema screenings below.

Audio Enhancement & Hearing Loop

Infra-red Audio Enhancement is available for the hard of hearing in the main auditorium and for all film screenings. The equipment is available from Box Office and can be used with or without a hearing aid.

A Hearing Loop is installed.

Our Infra-red Audio Enhancement and Audio Description headsets work better in some of our Main House seats than others. Use the map below to inform your booking choice if you’ll require this equipment.

Map signifying reception levels in various seats for audio description and hearing loop headsets. The best reception is in rows E - V in seats 1 - 13.

What is D/deaf?

We use the term D/deaf to incorporate all people with significant hearing impairment. According to SignHealth: The Deaf Health Charity

“The word deaf is used to describe or identify anyone who has a severe hearing problem. Sometimes it is used to refer to people who are severely hard of hearing too.

We use Deaf with a capital D to refer to people who have been deaf all their lives, or since before they started to learn to talk.”

If you have any questions about D/deaf accessibility at The Courtyard please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at access@courtyard.org.uk

Find out more about access at The Courtyard.

Upcoming BSL & Subtitled events:

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